Job Duties Custom List 29-1126.00 — Respiratory Therapists

  • Provide emergency care, such as artificial respiration, external cardiac massage, or assistance with cardiopulmonary resuscitation.
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Occupations with related tasks Save Table: XLSX CSV

21 occupations shown
Closely Related TasksAll Related TasksJob ZoneCodeOccupation
55329-2043.00Paramedics Bright Outlook Bright Outlook  
33529-1071.01Anesthesiologist Assistants Bright Outlook
22329-2042.00Emergency Medical Technicians Bright Outlook
22529-1214.00Emergency Medicine Physicians
22329-1126.00Respiratory Therapists Bright Outlook
22529-1151.00Nurse Anesthetists Bright Outlook
11529-1022.00Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons Bright Outlook
11329-2032.00Diagnostic Medical Sonographers Bright Outlook
11529-1161.00Nurse Midwives Bright Outlook
11429-1128.00Exercise Physiologists Bright Outlook
11329-1141.01Acute Care Nurses Bright Outlook
11529-1171.00Nurse Practitioners Bright Outlook
11429-1141.00Registered Nurses Bright Outlook
11329-9093.00Surgical Assistants Bright Outlook
11429-1141.03Critical Care Nurses Bright Outlook
11429-1129.02Music Therapists Bright Outlook
11329-2056.00Veterinary Technologists and Technicians Bright Outlook
11529-9099.01Midwives Bright Outlook